Well its Tuesday and as I started blogging again yesterday so much to catch up on. Messed around a bit with the blog template more messing coming. Want to customize it further and change a few things but this is requiring my idling brain to think techy again. It's fun to reawaken things and get it going. A shout out to my buddy Amy for reminding me where to create the signature that is now on all my posts. I'm sure I would have remembered it eventually and found a much more difficult route to take.
As the title of todays post reads I find myself thinking about goals and the impact on creativity. Some days the to-do lists are so large and the goals too high that it makes craft or even something so simple as cooking for your family not feel like a creative endeavor. I love life. I have always striven to make almost everything I do fun or at least tolerably pleasant (cleaning a litter box is just not fun no matter how hard I've tried) and that usually requires me to exercise my creative brain. Being human there is sooo much I'm just plain not good at so I might as well make it fun, right?
I find myself thinking about goals for my quilting again. What is it I want to accomplish? Then I see stash busting goals and completion goals and alll kinds of other goals that hyper focus a person on an aspect of craft. Does this hurt creativity? Maybe this is something you just aren't good at or you feel guilty for the stash. I know for me right now when I think of goals I think of closure. I've had so many dramatic changes in the past few years and the effect it has had on me especially in the past 1-2 years. Then I look at my project list and the projects that were started or are wrapped up in some of the pain from this period of change. I want to finish and put closure on it all. Like tying up loose ends. But I don't associate every project with this only certain ones. Do you do that? Do you tie your emotions into certain projects and then the goal becomes either finishing for joy or finishing to bury pain? Interesting reflection for me this morning. Curious as to how others think about goals and creativity and whether they are interconnected or run in conflict with each other. Some think creativity just has to flow but can it have a goal? or can it be goal defined, time limited etc., etc. Something to ponder anyways.
So goals. Today my goal is to hand quilt a couple of squares on the wedding quilt and get Chuck's blue out and look at it again and start mapping or remapping the quilting I want to do. I had a hard drive crash that had a lot of my quilting plans on it so things are having to be redone and reworked and replanned. Some things I had back ups on but not everything and since those projects started I've changed and my vision for things has changed so the original thoughts no longer seem appropriate. So I'm going to look at it again and decide what I want to do and get it done. (She says with determination and a lot of doubt)
I can't forget the domestic goddess part of my day. Mt. Washmore is calling too much piled up and an avalanche is threatening. Then that goal of "What to make for dinner". Considering its after lunch and I haven't really started any of this my goals had better not get tooo lofty or I'm setting myself up for failure. So now the goal is to end this post and get off my duff and get a move on. As the needle turns .......
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